This event will be quite informal and interactive and will discuss the nature of blogs: What effect have blogs had on the Church? Who writes blog, who reads them? Are blogs an efficient way to disseminate information? What are the responsibilities of bloggers? Are blogs social forces?
The speakers are:
Revd Fr John T Zuhlsdorf, author of What does the Prayer Really Say?
Revd Fr John Hunwicke, author of Fr Hunwickes Liturgical Notes
Br Lawrence Lew OP, contributor on Godzdogz
Matthew Doyle, author of Lacrimarum Valle
Directions to the Oxford University Catholic Chaplaincy can be found at:
For more information please contact, Yaqoob K Bangash, President, Oxford
University Newman Society: yaqoob.bangash@keble.ox.ac.uk
I'm not a regular blogger but I very much enjoy this blog. I find it a great reminder of the riches of the Catholic tradition and an encouragement in faith and prayer. I am grateful for the often daily material you produce, the wonderful photos and illustrations and particularly the recent posts about lectio divina and the suggested readings. I hope that people who are currently outside the churches see it because I think it communicates things very beautifully. Many thanks, David