The story of the temporary breaking up of the Holy Family and the finding of the Child Jesus in the Temple is the only insight that the gospels give us into the early life of Our Lord, which many theologians have referred to as the hidden life in Nazareth. We can only imagine the pain that Mary and Joseph felt at losing a child they knew to be so precious - not simply the human pain that a mother feels at losing her child but the deep spiritual wound of being parted from the presence of Christ. The story comes straight after the Simeon's prophecy to Our Lady where she is told that a sword will pierce her own heart and indeed, the losing of the Child Jesus for three days is one of the Seven Sorrows of Our Lady that make up the devotion to Our Lady of Sorrows. We are called to follow Christ in all things: his fleeing from his family reminds us of our duty to leave home and family so as to serve our heavenly father. We can only lose the presence of Christ within our souls by grave sin and so during this time of Lent let us strive to purify ourselves by prayer, fasting and almsgiving so that we may never lose him again.
Where is the 4th Joyful mystery