I put this piece together watching the women in Tanzania drawing water from the well. The water vessel is always filled to the brim. The woman tilts it so that a cupful spills onto the ground in thanks. She then lifts it on to her hip, then to her shoulder, and finally onto her head. Once balanced she sets off gracefully to her village.
Drawing water in Tanzania as in most of Africa is a woman's task. Though difficult, it is one of the more pleasant chores. It is a social occasion. The women set out together for the well around 4 o'clock when the heat is out of the sun. There they exchange greetings and have their little chat. As for the men, they are never seen near a well.
When he asks for a drink, she is startled. One question leads to another. He seems to be talking in parables. One minute he is thirsty - the next he is offering living water that will never make you thirsty again - very puzzling, to say the least. Suddenly the puzzles give way to the clear light of day, when the man points out that she had five husbands and the one living with her now is not her husband.
Now the real conversation is only beginning. The woman feels accepted and now it is her turn to ask questions. She is drawn to explore all about religion, about where one should worship, and about a messiah who will come. Jesus tells her that he is the Messiah: 'I am he - the one who is speaking to you'. It is the answer to the question that is on everybody's lips, yet it is to this foreign woman that he makes this remarkable disclosure.
The lady of Samaria had a burden heavier than water jars to carry. Lord, you felt she would accept real love, and you were right. The disciples on their return could sense the intimacy of the moment and are surprised that he is talking to a woman.
Your description of the woman in Tanzinia was lovely,especially the thank offering. It is a tangible reminder that we need to pour out of our 'water vessel' as thanks for all we are given, especially those of us in the West. The story was also a vivid reminder that Biblical events we hear so often are real, on several levels, and that realization reminds us of the human nature, joy and suffering of Jesus. What joy it must have been to see and actually hear him. I hope that I would have had the grace given to listen and hear.