Friday, December 11, 2009

Characters of Advent - Isaiah

Throughout Advent the voice of Isaiah echoes down to us with a prophetic zeal and eloquence that is profound, moving and uplifting. Often referred to as the Gospel of the Old Testament, or the Fifth Gospel, Isaiah resonates strongly for us at this time, foretelling the coming of our Saviour and assuring us of our hope for salvation.

Modern biblical scholarship has identified this lengthy book as being composed by three ‘prophet Isaiahs’, the second and third continuing the work of the first, such was his remarkable style and vision. Written in the Kingdom of Judah in the 8th century BC, at a time of almost continual conflict with rival kingdoms, Isaiah does not flinch from admonishing those who turn from God whilst offering consolation and hope to those who seek His mercy and salvation: “On the inhabitants of a country in shadow dark as death light has blazed forth” (Isaiah 9:1).

This light, this promise of hope and a new beginning, is conveyed to us directly and with complete assurance: “The Lord will give you a sign in any case. It is this: the young woman is with child and will give birth to a son whom she will call Immanuel” and again we read that “a son has been given to us and dominion has been laid on his shoulders and this is the name he has been given, ‘Wonder-Counsellor, Mighty God, Eternal-Father, Prince of Peace” (Isaiah 7:14, 9:5).

We see clearly in such passages the wonderful truth for which we prepare this Advent and we are reminded in Isaiah of how Christ will give Himself for the salvation of all nations, of all who choose to trust in Him. Let us journey with Isaiah, let our hearts be consoled, and may we prepare ourselves fittingly for the coming of our Saviour this Christmas.

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