Unlike my friend, I never had those kinds of day dreams when I was discerning my vocation to the Dominican Order. Like all Dominican friars, I had a desire to preach, that’s true, but at the heart of my vocation was an even greater desire — the desire to give my life completely to God. For me, giving one’s life to God is what professing vows as a religious is all about. The giving of self to God is caused by an intense love for him. This love is so strong that not to become a religious would be like a man not marrying the woman he’s madly in love with which doesn’t make any sense.
This approach to explaining religious brotherhood may come as a surprise to many who think that having a vocation is primarily about function, that is, what one does. I reject this idea, and say that religious life is first and foremost a way of life designed to help a person shed all obstacles to his proper relationship to God and neighbor. This is how I understand the text that played such an important part in my discernment: “If you want to be perfect, go, sell everything you have, give to the poor … and then follow me” (Matthew 19:21). The vows allow a person to let go of particular things so that he may freely give himself to others, and freely receive others in return.
Br Paul Byrd is a Cooperator Brother of the Dominican Central Province of the United States and is currently residing in Albuquerque, New Mexico
I just found Br Paul's blog, http://dominicancooperatorbrother.blogspot.com/, last month and added it to my RSS feed. Glad to see him on here.
ReplyDeleteI'm digging the beard, btw, Br Daniel! Hope to see you at the game on Sat.
A lovely post. Inspirational.