The Lenten Retreat begins on Ash Wednesday (17 February) and will continue each day until Easter Sunday (4 April). The Dominican students will offer a short reflection on the Mass readings for each day, and slightly longer reflections for the Sundays and Feasts of Lent. We'll also be introducing a new feature on those days, and will announce the details shortly.
The Welsh poet, George Herbert (1593 - 1633) gives us food for thought as we begin our Lenten fast, and by God's grace, may what we offer here on Godzdogz feed and water our souls:
Yet Lord instruct us to improve our fast
By starving sin and taking such repast,
As may our faults control:
That ev'ry man may revel at his door,
Not in his parlour; banqueting the poor,
And among those his soul.
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