It seems that, of ourselves, the best we can manage is an attempt at establishing justice. But justice alone is cruel. Without compassion and mercy human life would become impossible. The prophets, and Jesus in many of his parables, illustrate this point by showing us what a strictly just world would be like. Go to the court with your opponent if you like, Jesus says, but far better to come to terms with him before you get there. Continue to do your religious duty if you like but really you need to be reconciled with your brother first.
Thomas Aquinas speaks beautifully about the relationship between justice and mercy in God: ‘the work of divine justice always presupposes the work of mercy in which it is rooted. Divine action is always characterized by mercy as its most radical source’ (Summa theologiae I 21 4). The new heart and new spirit is the divine life, which is established as the heart of the world’s history by the teachings and actions of Jesus, the merciful and compassionate Sun of Justice and Son of God.
As ever, thank you for this meditation.
ReplyDeleteI have been reading one of Ronnie Knox's 'Lightning Meditations' about mercy and justice; and he makes the point that - to quote Shakespeare - 'Use every man after his desert, and who should 'scape whipping ?'
Do keep up the good work : your meditations are such a wonderful part of Lent.