I first started playing the trumpet when I was 10 years old, and from the age of 13, I started playing at church for special feasts such as Christmas and Easter. I’ve always felt a great honour in being allowed to praise God and glorify His name in this way.
From a young age, I’ve found the music of JS Bach very inspiring. Works such as the Magnificat, the Mass in B minor and the Christmas Oratorio contain so much joy. As I was growing up, I told myself that one day I would be able to play these pieces. I saved up my pocket money to buy a piccolo trumpet, but I remember the disappointment in discovering that this instrument didn’t make Bach instantly playable. The years went by, and I kept telling myself ‘maybe next year I’ll have the range and endurance to play the Christmas Oratorio.’
By the age of 26, several years before I’d joined the Dominicans, it was obvious I had reached a plateau – I was practising the trumpet between 2 and 3 hours a day, and I wasn’t getting any closer to playing Bach’s beautiful music. Was it just that I didn’t have the natural ability – were my lips or teeth the wrong shape? No. It was just that I had learnt to play in a way that was rather limiting. I’d reached a dead end. I came to this conclusion after reading about a trumpet player called Jerome Callet. He spent many years struggling to play the trumpet. He sought the advice of some of the best trumpet players in America, and they told him he didn’t have the natural ability. But undeterred, he experimented, he looked at photographs of great players, he listened to their sound, and he discovered that these players weren’t special in themselves, but rather, they were playing the trumpet in a special way, a technique Jerome Callet now teaches. Now I had read lots about all sorts of trumpet technique, and what Jerome Callet was suggesting was radically different from what everyone else was saying, but I found the hope that he was offering irresistible.
So I totally abandoned my old way of playing and tried this new method. It really was starting from scratch – I sounded like a 10 year old again. I had some lessons from Jerome but I found it so difficult to break my old habits. I spent 3 years in the wilderness, a time in which I felt a loss of confidence, a time I couldn’t even play the music I’d played in church as a 13 year old, never mind JS Bach. Then about 5 years ago, something suddenly clicked into place. I started to understand what Jerome had been trying to teach me. From that moment onwards I’ve made such a lot of progress, and I don’t even have to practise that hard – as a Dominican, it would be completely impossible to practise 3 hours a day. Here is a recording of me playing some of the music that inspired me during my childhood.
I haven’t performed these pieces in public yet, but I’d love to have the opportunity to play them in their proper liturgical setting.
The struggles I’ve had with playing the trumpet seem to mirror some of the struggles I’ve had with being a Catholic. Having to recognise there are times when I’m wrong, having to put aside whatever prevents me from flourishing, having to look to the lives of other people for inspiration. Some ways of doing things are better than others and human reason can help us to decide which. But there may also be times when we just have to let go of our ideological baggage and embrace something without fully understanding it. As Jesus says, ‘come and see’.
I haven’t performed these pieces in public yet, but I’d love to have the opportunity to play them in their proper liturgical setting.
The struggles I’ve had with playing the trumpet seem to mirror some of the struggles I’ve had with being a Catholic. Having to recognise there are times when I’m wrong, having to put aside whatever prevents me from flourishing, having to look to the lives of other people for inspiration. Some ways of doing things are better than others and human reason can help us to decide which. But there may also be times when we just have to let go of our ideological baggage and embrace something without fully understanding it. As Jesus says, ‘come and see’.
This is a truly beautiful reflection.
ReplyDeleteA trumpet is a glorious instrument. What a treat this post was.
Brilliant little article !!!
ReplyDeleteI can't pretend to understand exactly what the consolations of atheism are meant to entail. Should meaninglessness give us a warm fuzzy feeling?
But certainly we can admit that faith in Jesus Christ can and will present challenges. Extended periods of effort may seem to yield poor results. People may tell us just to give up, because we don't have what it takes. Sometimes, we may have to unlearn many of the practices that seem most natural and in which we have placed the most confidence.
Our other option is just to put the trumpet away and never play it. Deny the vision of beauty that has motivated our lives. Cling to the gray.
Of course, the analogy is not perfect. Even Miles Davis could find a way to live a worthwhile life without his trumpet, while a Christian without Jesus Christ has nothing.
But Miles Davis with his trumpet, now there's something to listen to.
-- Mike T.
Lovely playing, thank you.
ReplyDeleteYou play with a real love for God.
ReplyDeleteWonderful to hear! Thank you.
A lovely article (and very impressive trumpet playing). I enjoyed both.
ReplyDeleteI tried out being an atheist for a month or two when I was young and angry. It didn't work, both God and I knew I was lying. ;-)
To my way of thinking, which is not Catholic (unless being convent schooled with Catholic grandparents counts), starting over again from scratch needs both submission to God's will and faith. It seems to me that you need loads of both to let go of a set way of being and begin all over again in a different way.
Thanks for the trumpet embouchure story. I am currently learning the superchop Callet method. I could not make a sound on the trumpet for 3 years. Oh yes, an ocassional bleeet would come out, but nothing sweet. As soon as I tried some TCE, out came a sound recogniseable as sweet. So I am enjoying your story and the UTube video. I am 66 years of age and just starting out in music. Vito phkillscancer.com
ReplyDeleteNice playing, a very sweet tone.
ReplyDeleteRegarding the atheism comment, I their point is that you can find/choose/discover the meaning in your life rather than conforming to the upbringing you happen to have.
For you it is Catholicism, but for others it is something else. Many do not find any meaning at all, including many Catholics I'm sure.
Beautiful reflection and beautiful playing. I thank you so much for sharing your story - especially your faith - and your trumpet playing experience. Youor demonstration of the TCE concept is by far the most instructive that I've been able to find - and I thank you for it so very much.
ReplyDeleteAs an older player who tried to come back to the trumpet, I too have been reduced to playing like a 13 year old, and am desperately trying to overcome the obstacles which are preventing me from being able to play correctly - and for me, TCE holds so much promise.
Thanks to your demonstration of lip placement - and above all - your brillant, beautiful playing (which proves to me that the technique can indeed be learned and wonderfully applied)!
I hope you are enjoying being able to glorify God through your playing and hope to also soon be able to play for Him at church myself.
Thank you for sharing and keep up the good work!