Over the years, several brothers from the Province of St Albert in Southern Germany and Austria have studied and worked in the English Province. On 10 January 2009 we rejoiced in the solemn profession of three brothers in Augsburg, Germany: fr Martin Grandinger OP, fr Sebastian Tönnesen OP, and fr Johannes Weise OP. fr Martin is currently studying theology in Blackfriars, Oxford and writes for Godzdogz. fr Johannes undertook a pastoral placement in St Dominic's Priory, London in 2007 and joined us on our provincial pilgrimage to Lourdes.
Three brothers from Oxford attended the Mass of Profession. Below, fr Benedict Jonak OP and fr Robert Gay OP sing with fr Robert Mehlhart OP, another student of the Province of St Albert who lived with us in Blackfriars, Oxford in the academic year 2006-07. He has also written articles for Godzdogz. Also present at the Mass was fr Gregory Murphy OP. Occasions like these, full of fraternal joy, bring together brothers from all over the world and emphasise the unity of the sons of St Dominic.

The friars who are about to make solemn profession lie prostrate in the church of the Holy Cross in Augsburg.

fr Martin Grandinger OP makes profession
bis zum Tod ('until death'), in the hands of his Provincial, fr Dietmar Schon OP.

Friars and laity gather round the altar and celebrate the Eucharist, thanking God on the occasion of the solemn profession of our brothers.
Please pray for our brothers that the Lord who has begun this good work in them may bring it to completion.
Wonderful to see these young lives dedicated to God.