To be precise about his baptism, Halley (undoubtedly named after the comet) had in fact first been baptised in Little St Mary's, an Anglican church in Cambridge. But when his mother rediscovered her Catholic faith, she took him to the Catholic church in Cambridge and had him conditionally baptised again and gave him the names Hugh Dominic!
Hugh Dominic subsequently received a Dominican education at the English Dominicans' schools at Hawkesyard and Laxton. His father had converted to Catholicism in 1923 and, together with his mother, were active in the promotion of the faith. Given this background and the active Catholic life led by his parents, "Halley Bullough stood little chance to escape." He joined the Order in 1931 and entered the Province's novitiate at Woodchester.
Meanwhile, his parents began to build a fine Italianate house in Cambridge (shown in the photo below) which was dedicated to St Michael, but sadly, Professor Bullough's unexpected death from septicaemia in 1937 meant that he never saw the completion of his house, nor did Mrs Bullough inhabit it for long. In 1938, upon completion of the house, she bequeathed it to the English Dominican friars. This outstanding generosity crowned the gift of her two children to the Order, for Br Sebastian - as he was now called in the Order - had been joined by his sister Leonora who became Sr Mary Mark of the English Dominican Sisters at Stone.
Fr Sebastian was ordained on 22 July 1937 and assigned to the new priory of Cambridge where he could care for his mother who lived close by the house. He began his studies in Hebrew and Aramaic at the university rather than in Jerusalem, as was initially intended and after two years of further study in Rome, he was sent to teach at Laxton. He also served as prior at Woodchester, and taught in Blackfriars Oxford and finally from 1960, at the Cambridge faculty of Oriental Languages. Thus he returned to his roots where his mother died in 1961.
He died on 30 July 1967 at the Dominican sisters' convent in Stone and was buried at Cambridge according to the Dominican rite so beloved by him. His Requiem was celebrated by the bishop of Nottingham according to the "full Latin liturgy of the Mass".
In his last book, 'Roman Catholicism', written in 1963, Fr Sebastian said that Dominicans "were to combine the secluded monastic life of the monk, including the Divine Office in choir, with the priestly work of the canon regular and the independent poverty of the itinerant preacher, free to be assigned anywhere in the Order." His understanding of our life remains true today, but in 1967 - the year of his death - he made an observation about the importance of contemplative prayer and choral office in the authentic Dominican life: "[St Dominic] founded a monastic Order whose members are, so to speak, 'preaching monks', from which it follows that monastic life is of the essence of the Order." In many ways, his spirit and ideals live on in our Cambridge priory, the house which owes its existence to the generosity of the Bulloughs.
Forty years after his death, Fr Sebastian's words continue to remind us that Dominican should be preachers of a word that has been prayerfully contemplated in humility, in silence and in assiduous study. Or as the Preaching Commission to the General Chapter at Krakow said in 2004: "In this world we will have something to say, but only if it is a word for which we have suffered, a word we have fought for, and a word for which we have prayed."
In remembering his 40th anniversary, we recall his wisdom, we ponder the fruit of his contemplation, and we give thanks for his example.
ReplyDeleteI came across an old Douai bible at my parents' recently, and tucked inside was a little pamphlett 'How to read a bible' - by Sebastian Bullough O.P.
Keep up the good work!
Dominus tecum.
I went up to Fitzwilliam College,Cambridge in 1965,a few yards from Blackfriars, and have fond memories of Fr.Sebastian and of Fr.Kenelm Foster,at both weekday and Sunday Masses. Fisher House in the city centre was (and is)the university chaplaincy,but some of us felt very much at home with GodzDogz! Fr.Sebastian once described the Dominicans as men "addicted to study".......
ReplyDeleteHappy days.
Anthony Weaver
Retreats Beyond Dover
St.Etheldreda's, 14,Ely Place
London EC1N 6RY
As young man read Fr. B's book in early 70s.As baptised C of E from a working class background, it would have seemed incredible to me then to know that one day I would attend Mass as a Roman Catholic at the Dominican Church in Oxford (when I was at Plater College). And later obtain a degree in theology (BD Univ. of London).
ReplyDeleteI have some very fond memories of Fr Sebastian at Woodchester, during his time as Prior. I was a troubled child and he was extremely kind to me. I spent time watching him drawing the map of the voyages of St Dominic, for a book of the same name. He gave me a copy of the book, which was sadly lost in a house fire.