After attendance at the local grammar school and two years of national service with the Royal Air Force, he went up to read History at Durham University where he was active in various societies, a prize-winning debater, and "most improbably for a man of his physical proportions, the Tennis Club." Geoffrey was a voracious reader with "a delight in information on matters common and out-of-the-way alike" and his cell was crammed full of books on every conceivable subject, many "rescued" from second hand bookshops, and from his books he gleaned a collection of quotations which he used in his preaching and writing. It is said that "he never read without a pencil beside him, even in works of fiction". Eventually his treasury of books would became the nucleus of the Geoffrey Preston Library of the Catholic Chaplaincy at Leicester University, for he had been prior of Holy Cross, Leicester from 1976 until his premature death.
Nichols recounts how Geoffrey's encounter with Anglo-Catholicism confirmed his "horror of the demonstrative in religion though he saw good ritual as avoiding just such inauthentic over-statement". And so, Geoffrey converted to Catholicism via the Church of England in 1958. He spent a year teaching history in Blackpool before joining the Order where his desire "to get as deeply as possible into a living and articulate theological culture" was fed and in the Order his "zest for knowledge and a call to communicate to others" was fulfilled. He made profession on 28 September 1962 and was ordained priest on 15 July 1967.
Geoffrey lived as a religious in a time of great change for the Church and the question 'Where is God to be found?' would shape his response. According to Nichols, Geoffrey realised that "the clues to [God's] presence could only be uncovered in some rapport with the liturgical, spiritual and theological tradition which linked the church now with the time of Jesus and his disciples". Nevertheless, the process of finding God in a time when old certainties were called into question, and a traditional form of religious life was being re-evaluated, was one of interior suffering for Fr Geoffrey. From this suffering "issued a striking ministry of teaching and preaching and pastoral care. His gifts as a liturgist, a man of ritual, were out of the ordinary. He had a facility for combining the intimate with the solemn which made it thankfully impossible to claim him as either a progressive or a traditionalist" and this was a great gift indeed in a time of considerable polarisation. Thus, he was a pastor able to carry the burdens of God's people, whether they were impatient for change or distressed by it. These were certainly useful skills for someone who was appointed Master of Novices in 1970 and again in 1974 but he eventually resigned the position, though not without pain.
Fr Geoffrey's "theological and spiritual balance" which his novices appreciated seems to have had deep roots in a constant rumination of the Scriptures. According to one enclosed Carmelite, "one could feel that here was a man speaking of what he knew, and what he knew not 'through flesh and blood or through the will of man' but through the grace of the Father".
How might we remember this "enormous, bovine, cheerful, inquisitive and childlike man"? Perhaps we can judge for ourselves from the three books which were published after his death. So many of his brethren and friends remember him with fondness and deep affection as a "generous and compassionate" pastor and Fr Nichols' biographical sketch exudes a certain devotion towards his former Novice Master. Indeed, the Province's obituary notices says that he was "foremost a preacher whose life and words he let be shaped by God and speak of God", a phrase used of our holy father Dominic himself. But the most memorable image we have is one offered by one of the brethren who remembers Geoffrey Preston as "that great mass of a man in a slightly grubby cream serge Dominican habit, occupying an armchair with the air of a beached whale, a rosary in his fingers and the Authorised Version of the Bible on his tummy."
May he thus repose eternally in the bosom of the Lord whom he loved and served so well.
I have a theory that all converts to the Catholic faith from Methodism end up in some wise connected to the Order of Preachers. This just helps confirm it.
ReplyDeleteJust a note to say...I am loving these testaments to dominican life - could you not stop at the end of November?
ReplyDeleteVery edifying and amusing too. Thank you for publishing it.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the memory of Geoffrey Preston- a good man who sadly died far too young. Reading the other comments I was reminded of the old Penguin volume on Methodism, can't remember the author, who commented that a helpful way of seeing it was as an order of preachers inside the wider catholic church.
ReplyDeleteBernard Ratigan
I'm very glad that you are keeping Geoffrey's memory alive. He was a gentle, inspiring man; kind, probing, constructive, and patient with the lay people he looked after; a wonderful preacher and pastor. Thanks also to fr Aidan's efforts, people who didn't know him personally can still read him.
ReplyDeleteAs a fellow novice and student with Geoffrey I was priveleged to know him well. He carried his immense learning lightly and was always open and available no mwtter what he was doing. And yes- he did make notes on books, usually on the back of an envelope which he then transcribed elsewhere. His gentlness, patience and his love of Scrpiture were obvious and inspiring. He preached hia first sermon as a Dominican student on the Parable of the Sower, We all felt the power and the depths of his words. Thank you for reminding us of him.
ReplyDeleteAn incredible thing happened to me a short while ago. I was reading Eamon Duffy's review of Timothy Radcliffe's "Why go to Church ?" when I came across a reference to the importance to the author of "(his) much-loved teacher, Geoffrey Preston". Now, I was at Durham with Geoffrey, in the Castle. In fact, I welcomed him to the College on his arrival - he was a year older than me, but as he had chosen to do his National
ReplyDeleteService between school and university, he came up to Durham a year later than me. We got on well together from the outset, and soon discovered we were asking ourselves the same questions about religion. We both belonged to the Plumtre Society (the Catholic Society in Durham); I also went to Christian union meetings, and Geoffrey may have done so too...
In our Final Year (I read French so had a year in France before my last year) we had rooms next to each other on the Norman Gallery in Durham Castle. Geoffrey looked very much the part of the nineteenth century undergraduate in what had been the original student accommodation at the foundation of Durham University in the 1830s - the Gallery itself dated from the 11th century. As I remember it, Geoffrey was received into the Catholic church in 1957, either at the same time as myself (28 June 1957), or shortly before me, in which case he was also my sponsor. This was in St Godric's church in Durham - when he entered the Dominican Order, I believe Geoffrey adopted the name of Brother Godric, in memory of this. I don't think we corresponded very much afterwards. After durham, I had three years in the army and then came to France to live and work. I was devastated to learn of his death, just twenty years after his conversion. He was, in every sense of the term, an immense person.
Keith Gordon.