How do we know if the room is too cold? There is a gradual feeling from an early point that the room is getting colder, but eventually there is a point where we just ‘know’ that we need to put on a jumper, close the window or put a heater on. The Finding of the Child Jesus in the temple is one of the first events in the Bible where we see those surrounding Jesus, start to get more insight into something profound about this boy from Nazareth. For the son of an artisan, not formally educated, Jesus somehow has the knowledge to have dialogue and debate with the Doctors in the temple.

A tipping point for Mary and Joseph might have been the several days where Jesus was separated from them, and instead was residing in the temple (Luke 2:41-52). Once they discovered he was actually in discussion with those learned scholars rather that any act of disobedience, was this the point where the parents of Jesus slowly began to realise who Jesus was? Rather like starting to know that a room is starting to get cold, perhaps they started to realise what sort of role they would have in His life and ministry. This is the only scriptural account of the early life of Jesus mentioned in a gospel. I often find this Joyful mystery a useful meditation and prayer for educators and those involved in religious education.
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