Br. Richard Dominic was born on 26th August 1910 in Sunderland and upon leaving school went to work as a groundsman at the city's cricket club. This came to an end in the early 1930s and, unemployed, he offered himself to St. Dominic's Newcastle as a laybrother. He was clothed in the habit in 1933 and professed a year later.
His life in the Order was focused mainly on the day to day tasks necessary to keep religious houses running. He cooked, cleaned, and acted as sacristan in Woodchester, London, Leicester, and Oxford before returning to Newcastle in 1950 where he remained for the rest of his life.
Br. Richard Dominic was a simple but dignified man who was much loved and commanded great respect. He died on the 11 July 1981, aged 70, after 47 years of profession.
His life in the Order was focused mainly on the day to day tasks necessary to keep religious houses running. He cooked, cleaned, and acted as sacristan in Woodchester, London, Leicester, and Oxford before returning to Newcastle in 1950 where he remained for the rest of his life.
Br. Richard Dominic was a simple but dignified man who was much loved and commanded great respect. He died on the 11 July 1981, aged 70, after 47 years of profession.
Eternal Rest Grant Unto Him, O Lord
and Let Perpetual Light Shine Upon Him
May He Rest in Peace
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