Clearly, this hasn’t yet happened: the nations have not beaten their swords into ploughshares, or their spears into pruning hooks (cf. Isaiah 2: 4). On the contrary, we continue to hear of strife and conflict in many parts of the world. Thus, today’s scripture readings, as we might expect in Advent, point our attention forward to Christ’s second coming, when these visions of universal peace will indeed be realised.
However, they also present us with a challenge: for the Church of which we are all members is called already now in this present world to be the sacramental presence of the kingdom which Christ will come again to establish openly. In the Church, through Christ’s death and resurrection, that kingdom has already come. Thus we, through faith in Jesus Christ like that of the centurion in today’s Gospel, are to bear witness in the world to the nature of that kingdom, where ‘nation shall not lift up sword against nation’ (Is 2: 4) and many from east and west will sit at table together, united by the friendship which Jesus, by his coming into the world, makes possible.
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