Maruthas returned to Tagrit and concentrated on rebuilding his Church. He proved to be a great organiser and he was one of the first to give a regular structure to his church. He also produced some important works in the Syrian language, among which the most famous are his Commentary on the Gospel, The Verses of Maruthas, The Liturgy of Maruthas, and The 73 Canons of the Ecumenical Council of Nicea. In his later life the Emperor Theodosius the Younger sent him to the Persian Court. His affability, saintly life, and his knowledge of medicine impressed the Persian Shah. He persuaded the Shah to a favorable disposition towards Christians, which assisted greatly in the freedom of Christians in Persia. On his return to his See he began to rebuild Christian churches razed during the persecution. He died in 422 leaving the Persian Church stronger and more secure.
As our brothers and sister in Iraq suffer insecurity, persecution, and martyrdom, let us pray that the intercession of St. Maruthas may bring peace, strength, and security.
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