It is probably one of the Order's least known entities: Dominican Volunteers International (DVI), the lay missionary project of the Dominican Family. The aim of DVI is to "link persons and communities from different parts of the world in order to collaborate in the preaching mission" of the Order. Each mission involves four persons: the volunteer, DVI (which is co-ordinated from Rome), a Dominican community that forms and sends the volunteers, and a corresponding community that welcomes and receives the volunteer on mission. The project is part of the Order's wider justice and peace work, as it works primarily with the poor and marginalised.
Since it began in 2000 under the auspices of fr. Timothy Radcliffe OP, who was then Master of the Order, four men from England have gone on mission under DVI. These four have all become friars in the English Province, although only three are still in the Order. They are fr Lawrence Lew, fr Nicholas Crowe, and fr Matthew, one of our novices.
In 2004 I was sent as a Dominican Volunteer to the Dominican parish of San Lorenzo Ruiz in Dagat-dagatan, Manila in the Philippines. It is often a cliché to say that an experience changed one's life, but I can honestly say that my year with DVI changed my life. By stepping out of my comfort zone, and living in the slums of Manila, my eyes were opened to the ravages of poverty. But at the same time, I also saw how grace abounded in these circumstances. The dignity of the poor with whom I worked shone out in their cheerfulness, their generosity of spirit, and their openness to God and neighbour. From the abundance of their faith, hope, and love, I experienced for the first time the truth in Christ's teaching: "blessed are the poor".

In conclusion, I would share just one thought I had while on mission: that before I can be a preacher, I have to be like Christ, the incarnate Word who, as a baby, first became silent and wordless. And in that silence, Christ just lived among us, and learnt to be human. So too with us. And from that silence and being will come forth the words that he will give us ... But they have to be words for which we have suffered, and come from that which we have experienced. And this, I hope, is something I learnt with DVI that I shall not forget.
If you would like to be part of the DVI project, or want to find out more about it, contact dvi@curia.op.org and visit the website. Below are more photos from the DVI 10th Anniversary celebrations in Rome:

I'm really not quite sure what to say . . . simply because I admire what has been done - and is being done - and also, in an odd way, envy those who have been able to contribute to it : I wish I'd managed to have such an opportunity.
ReplyDeleteUltimately, I suppose, all I can say is that I congratulate the DVI scheme, and pray for it, for its activities, and for all those involved in it . . . now, and in the future, as it shows forth God's love to His world.