Blessed Jerzy Popiełuszko was beatified in Warsaw last Sunday. An account of his great witness to the Gospel can be found here. One of the most striking images of last week's celebration was his 100-year-old mother, Marianna, praying at his tomb. Her witness reminds us that the saints are not some abstract collection of super-men and wonder-women but real people like us.

H/T to the always excellent Deacon Greg Kandra at The Deacons Bench
I remember the horror of his assassination - days after he'd escaped a car accident. God, he was so young. Even then, as a Muslim girl, I thought, "I hope they make him a saint one day." I'm thrilled to bits. Every time I hear 'Radio Free Europe', I think of him. RIP, Padre. xx
ReplyDeleteJerzy Popieluszko is quoted in "Praying the Rosary with the Martyrs" - Which side will you take? The side of good or the side of evil? Love or hatred? It is clear from his life which side he took - he took the side of good and the side of the poor, an outspoken defender of human rights, freedom, justice and truth. Amazing man, and amazing to see his mother mourning him.