On the one hand, then, Luke seems to be encouraging us to reflect on the differences between these two pregnancies: Elizabeth is elderly and had been considered barren; she is married to a temple priest and is thus she at the heart of the religious establishment. Her pregnancy took away her shame and ‘reproach among men’ for not bearing a child, but her husband’s lack of faith left him dumb. Mary, in contrast, is young (probably in her mid-teens), betrothed to Joseph of the line of David, yet still a virgin. In Luke’s gospel, unlike the gospel of Matthew, Joseph’s attitude to Mary’s pregnancy is not discussed, but it seems clear that Mary’s fiat is a risk and a profound act of faith. Against the backdrop of this contrast between Elizabeth and Mary, and by implication their sons John and Jesus, Luke moves on in this Sunday’s Gospel to underline how these two children are intimately connected.
After hearing that Elizabeth was pregnant we read that Mary ‘rose up’ and went ‘with haste’ to the hill country of Judah to visit Elizabeth (Luke 1: 39-40). According to scripture scholars, this is likely to have been a four day walk from Galilee - a long journey for a pregnant teenager. The fact that Mary made all this effort to visit Elizabeth is usually interpreted as a sign of Mary’s great charity: Mary made an extraordinary effort to care for an elderly relative. Yet this explanation does not exclude the possibility that Mary went to Elizabeth hoping for more information. Gabriel had, after all, hinted to Mary that Elizabeth’s pregnancy was somehow connected with her own. If this was indeed at the back of Mary’s mind then her hope was not disappointed. As soon as Mary’s greeting reached Elizabeth’s ears John the Baptist leapt for joy in his mother’s womb and Elizabeth, filled with the Holy Spirit, prophesied (Luke 1: 41-45).

At the visitation, then, we reach the pinnacle of Old Testament prophecy: the recognition of God Incarnate. If we read on in Luke’s Gospel reading beyond this Sunday’s passage we read that Mary responds to Elizabeth’s prophecy by breaking out into the Magnificat: the exultant and prophetic song of praise that the Church sings everyday as part of the evening prayer of the Divine office. In the first chapter of Luke’s Gospel, then, we have a kind of chain reaction of recognition and rejoicing. Gabriel announces to Mary that she will conceive by the Holy Spirit, and hints that she should visit Elizabeth who is also mysteriously pregnant. Elizabeth, prompted by the infant John in her womb and under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, jubilantly recognises Mary as the ‘Mother of her Lord’ (Luke 1:43). Mary, perhaps only for the first time beginning to grasp the significance of what had happened to her, is overcome with joy and explodes into song: a song that is sung every day by the Church at evening prayer and is at the heart of how the Church understands itself. This hymn begins: ‘My soul magnifies the Lord, my spirit rejoices in God my Saviour’ (Luke 1: 46-7). We rejoice, like John the Baptist, like Elizabeth, and like Mary, because Jesus is near, because God is with us.
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