The first reading thus refers to these places of fertility and life, and asks that God might have mercy, and care for his people once more, and show them his "compassion ... treading underfoot our guilt". And God is to manifest this "clemency", and his "faithfulness to Jacob and grace to Abraham" which he promised "to our fathers from days of old", precisely by bringing his people back from the deadly deserts of sin to the abundance, prosperity, and fecundity of Gilead, Bashan, and Carmel.
It is apposite that these readings come right after the feast of the Annunciation, for on that day God indeed made fertile the closed Carmel (i.e., garden) of the virgin Mary's womb. And through the wondrous act of the Incarnation, God showed his compassion for sinners, and, through grace, restored us to a new and super-abundant life. And in his Son, Jesus Christ, God himself is our Shepherd who leads us to green pastures, and to drink from the living waters of his Spirit. Therefore, everything that Micah prayed for came to pass in an excellent way in the Incarnation of Christ which we celebrated in yesterday's feast. Hence, echoing what the prophet says God will do in Micah 7:18-20, Mary proclaims that God has indeed accomplished them. God has "filled the hungry with good things ... He has helped his servant Israel [i.e., Jacob] in remembrance of his mercy, as he spoke to our fathers, to Abraham and to his posterity for ever".
So, God has shown us "wonderful signs" again, and he does let us "feed in Bashan and Gilead, as in the days of old". What remains for us during Lent and indeed, throughout our life, is to make the ascent of Mount Carmel. And this journey to spiritual union with God and the perfection of our faith is accomplished with the grace of God. On our part, we must first come to our senses and repent, as the prodigal son did, and return to the Father who is waiting to embrace us. For he is "the God who removes guilt and pardons sin... who does not persist in anger forever, but delights rather in clemency".
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