'Do you want to be well again?' This is the question that Jesus asks the sick man at the Sheep Pool in today's Gospel. We might think at first that the answer to this question is fairly obvious – 'yes, of course.' So it is slightly surprising that the sick man in today's Gospel doesn't answer yes. Instead the man makes an excuse: no one is there to put him into the pool. At this point, especially if you know the rest of the story, it's

The story of this sick man can teach us some valuable lessons. The man is aware that he couldn't come to health just by his own efforts. In a spiritual sense, this is true for all of us. To live the fullness of life which God intends for us is not possible by our own means – it is only possible through Jesus Christ. Yet Jesus doesn't wait patiently on the side lines waiting for us to invoke His name. He can come into our lives uninvited, healing us even before we have the chance to ask. Whatever our background, whatever sins we have committed, Christ gives us sufficient help to make us holy. But even in a state of holiness, we can still be tempted to sin. The warning Jesus gives to the man when He sees him later on in the Temple suggests this. We still have to cooperate with Him. But once Christ has sanctified us our dignity is raised: we do not become less free, but more free.
I always think Jesus first met this man when He was 12 and was lost in the temple. When He asks the man if he wants to get well again it sounds to me out of a certain impatiency. I was one who was there at the side of the pool for decades just giving excuses and wondering whether I wanted or not to be healed.