The second day began with Lauds and then there were talks by fr John Farrell OP on features of Luke-Acts, followed by a talk on the role of St Peter in Luke-Acts, and then a group study of the apostolic life as it is presented in Acts. In the afternoon, fr Richard Finn OP gave an account of St Luke's presentation of wealth and poverty, and how the rich and poor alike can participate in God's generosity through almsgiving. After Mass and Vespers, fr Richard Conrad OP gave one of his multimedia lectures on the Holy Spirit, with slides of Christian art and chants from the Dominican chant book. This evening ended with a gathering in the bar for informal chat, jokes, songs and good-natured revelry.
The final day opened with Lauds and then Sr Mary Cecily Boulding OP and Sr Ann Catherine Swailes OP gave an excellent appraisal of Our Lady, Obedience and the Joyful Mysteries. They drew on the richness of the theology of St Thomas and the Fathers of the Church to help us reflect on these themes and events in St Luke's gospel.
Although our group this year was smaller than usual, the Seminar was very enjoyable, enlightening and offered much food for thought. With its blend of study, liturgy, prayer, preaching and fraternity, it gave a fine witness of the Dominican charism shared by the different branches of the Order of Preachers, and was a good way for us to begin 2010 together as one Dominican family.
Below are more photos from the Seminar:
Bishop Malcolm McMahon OP in conversation with our novice, fr Andrew Brookes OP
fr Richard Finn OP, who is Regent of Studies, giving his talk
Meal times are convivial affairs at the seminar
Social evening on the last night in Leeds
Sr Alexia Dendere OP from Zimbabwe and Sr Ruth Chongo OP from Zambia, members of the general council of the Dominican Missionary Sisters (Crawley), are delighted at the sight of so much snow!
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