St. John the Baptist is the bridge between the Old Covenant and the New Covenant that is found in the person of Jesus Christ. He is the last of the Prophets and the first of the disciples. Even in the womb, this great saint, called by God to be the "
prophet of the Most High; who will go before the Lord to prepare his ways", recognised the Messiah within the womb of his blessed mother and jumped with joy. John's whole life was geared towards the unique ministry of preparing the world for Christ. He is the Elijah promised by God in the Book of Malachi and recognised by Our Lord as the Elijah who has already come to herald the arrival of the Messiah. Within the Eastern Churches he is often depicted with the wings of an angel to symbolise his role as the first messenger of the Word made flesh. As Advent progresses we are called once again to hear the voice of the one crying in the wilderness and prepare the way of the Lord. We are called to imitate him: to leap with joy and rejoice in our Saviour, and to proclaim His coming into the world, and the salvation this brings, to the whole of creation until He comes again in glory.
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