On Spy Wednesday (8 April), Churches Together in Central Oxford organized its annual Walk of Witness through the busy shopping streets of Oxford. Once again, the brothers and congregation from Blackfriars were the largest group represented at this ecumenical event as we walked silently through the city following behind a large wooden cross:
On Maundy Thursday morning, the priory church was full for Tenebrae, the offices of Matins and Lauds, sung with readings and chanted responsories. At the close of Tenebrae each day, the cantors lead the choir in a litany of prayers at the foot of the High Altar. Below is a video of this segment of Tenebrae, followed by a translation of the text.
Lord, have mercy (in Greek & Latin).
Christ the Lord was made obedient unto death.
You who came to suffer for us:
Christ, have mercy.
You who, your arms stretched out on the cross, drew all ages to yourself:
Christ, have mercy.
You who prophesied: 'I will be your death, O Death':
Christ have mercy.
Lord, have mercy.
Christ the Lord was made obedient unto death.
Lord, have mercy (in Greek & Latin).
Christ the Lord was made obedient unto death:
even the death of the cross.
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