The family of Lazarus are plainly drawn to the person of Jesus and know of his ability to heal the sick. But their expectations of him are somewhat limited. Mary, who had anointed the feet of Jesus and wiped them with her own hair, now prostrates herself once again at the feet of Jesus and declares: ‘Lord, if you had been here my brother would not have died.’ And Martha, a woman known for straight talking, directly challenges Jesus. It is simple: if he had come when he was asked, her brother would not have died. Similarly, some of the onlookers wonder: ‘Could not he who opened the eyes of the blind man have kept this man from dying?’ Jesus, however, clearly demands a response and a trust that goes deeper than this, that is to say, he looks for faith in his power to bring the dead back to life. We all pray for those we love to be cured when they are sick and no doubt we praise God if our prayers are answered in this way. But Jesus wants us to believe even in the face of death, to believe that he has the power to restore life: ‘He who believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live’.
Jesus describes himself as ‘the resurrection and the life’. He is able to do this because his union with the Father is so intimate that the life of God is his life. Indeed, this intimacy is so close that Jesus is able to associate himself with the divine name: I AM. He says: ‘I am the resurrection and the life’. In Jesus we see the power of God at work to save. Throughout the whole of this scene Jesus is completely calm and in charge of the whole situation. His final words - 'Lazarus, come out!' – are as powerful and efficacious as the divine fiat at the creation.
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