The quodlibet, roughly meaning whatever it pleases, was a form of teaching employed in the medieval university at which questions on any topic which pleased the audience were put to a teacher. These questions and answers were sometimes written up and published, most famously in the Quaestiones de quodlibet of Thomas Aquinas.
Once again we invite you therefore to propose questions which you feel we might be able to answer - whatever it pleases you to ask. Are there any aspects of Catholic teaching or practice that puzzle you? Do you wish to know more about how our faith helps us face the challenges of modern society? Are there any aspects of the Dominican life that you don't understand? We will attempt to answer your questions and to stimulate further debate.
Please email your questions to
May I suggest the origin/symbolism of the various parts of the very recognisable Dominican habit, with all the relevant terminology?
ReplyDeleteI suppose you could write a book about it. While most people on the street think you are going to a costume party, we your loyal readers can then nod knowingly at each other.
Please, Could you speak in quodlibets about religious life and homosexuality
ReplyDeleteDear brothers,
ReplyDeleteHello, I am a young adult Lay Dominican in the United States. I wonder if you could give some advice for increasing the virtue of temperance and for living with a spirit of poverty.
It is so hard not to buy in (literally) to our consumerist, wasteful, frivolous culture, as well as the "gospel of prosperity" that is preached everywhere, both explicitly and implicitly. These things are indoctrinated into us for most of our lives... how can we overcome them?
Thank you, and God bless you all!