That blogs can be a force for good but also for that which is less than good should not surprise us. For social communications through the media is just an expression of our flawed humanity, and indeed the anonymity which the internet affords sometimes exacerbates our flaws. Like everything we do, blogging does not always achieve the good it ought to although I believe that it is essentially ordered towards it. As such, we should treat it like the rest of life – as something with a potential for good, but which can be abused, and where that happens, it should be healed and redeemed. There is no place that the Gospel may not touch, and as a preaching friar, I passionately believe that it is essential that we bring the light of Christ’s truth and the teachings of his holy Church to the blogosphere. It is with this in mind that I have tentatively entitled my reflection: Virtue and Vice in the Blogosphere.
Those Catholics who blog and those who read such blogs are a select few, but they are united by love. At its best, I hope that we are united as Catholic and Christian bloggers in a love for Christ and his Gospel. As this is not a dis-interested love, so the passions and heated exchanges that are elicted online are in many ways understandable and, indeed, to be expected.
However, it is in the area of the passions, that is, the emotions, that we have to be most careful, for sometimes these can get out of control. St Thomas Aquinas, rightly saw that emotions were good and proper for us to possess because they are part of what it means to be a rational animal, to be human. However, they fall within our animal capabilities and so have to be integrated with our rational powers. Thus Aquinas says that passions are “good when they are controlled by reason; and evil when they are not controlled by reason”; the passions have to be moderated by reason. However, this does not mean that one can circumnavigate the emotions or employ the force of sheer ‘will-power’ to control one’s emotions. As the French Dominican Chenu said, one ought to resort to neither “dualistic Manichaeism nor Christian Stoicism”. Aquinas’ answer is that “both acts of the will and the emotions must be given direction, order and guidance; they do not automatically unfold in morally mature directions.” This guidance comes from the acquisition of virtues and the elimination of vices. Developing good habits and virtues will help a person to mature emotionally and grow morally so as to make the right choices in response to one’s feelings and desires; we grow from spoilt brats to mature right-thinking adults. I’m afraid that quite often one sees a lot of the former on display on the blogosphere’s comments boxes! Aquinas taught that “in affirming or rejecting opinions, we shouldn’t be influenced by our liking or dislike of those who propose the ideas, but rather by the certitude of truth”. Thus, we act rationally, guided by prudence and not by our passions. Aquinas’ position is that the passions can be regulated by reason such that “the passions of the wise man are an integral part of his moral life” and indeed, it is a person who delights (and so has an emotive attraction) in doing good who does more good. So, what I want to suggest is that the blogosphere can be a training ground for virtue, but also a temptation to vice.
There is little doubt that prudence is the chief virtue that we must develop in blogging and using the internet. Aquinas says that prudence “is reason itself rendered perfect in its judgments and in its choices.” Often it seems that when one decides what to blog or what to comment, one can take refuge in the truth. That is, something blogged or commented about is justified simply because it is true, or deemed to be quite simply what the Church teaches, and we have to say it no matter what the consequences. I would suggest that prudence, temperance and wisdom require us to judge how and when to act, not just that we are to act. Children may be expected to act without prudent judgment, but mature adults are expected to show some discernment. Otherwise, we can become like the secular press who report whatever they will on the basis that it is fair comment or truth that is in the public interest.
A particular vice that aggrieves me and that is not infrequently seen on the blogosphere is detraction, which in Aquinas' great Summa falls under the area of justice. Detraction “strictly speaking is taking away a person’s character by drawing attention to anything that detracts from that character”. Although the intention of admonition does take away the sinfulness of the act, Aquinas notes that “all the same, a man should pick his words carefully, since uttered incautiously they might take away a person’s character, and a fatal wrong might be done without even intending it.” I think this is even more serious if it is directed at our pastors and especially a bishop who is, by consecration, a successor of the apostles. I think the blogs have helped in some areas to fuel such discussions and they have certainly been a tempting place for people to comment and say such things. We may complain – as the flock has always done – about decisions made by our superiors, but to impugn their character, or to judge them guilty of heresy, or to speculate maliciously about their motivations is clearly not good for the Church or for us. The fact is that the blogosphere can be a forum for vicious activity and we should seek not to defend that but to guard our tongues and typing fingers. While our modern world defends free speech, and freedom of opinion, let us be on guard for these can lead to great vice. As the Scriptures say in many places, but here, I am quoting from the Wisdom of Ben Sira: “As you hedge round your vineyard with thorns, set barred doors over your mouth; as you seal up your silver and gold, so balance and weigh your words. Take care not to slip by your tongue and fall victim to your foe waiting in ambush.” Moreover, freedom is a gift that we have to exercise responsibly and this requires the exercise of virtues like courage and temperance, that is, not only the strength to say the truth but to do so wisely and in the right way and time.
In an aphorism commonly attributed to St Augustine, he is believed to have said, “in essentials, unity; in doubtful matters, liberty; in all things, charity.” This should be the creed of all our social communications. It is with care, study and prudence that we are able to distinguish between essentials and doubtful matters, and if we should fear anything in blogging, let us fear a failure in charity.
Sage advice, and some very meaningful reflections. The final quote from St Augustine couldn't be better chosen. I've been very impressed with the quality of debate and exchange I've encountered on the "Catholic Blogosphere" so far. Godzdogz is superb. I'm glad the English Dominican Studentate at Blackfriars has adopted this new medium as part of its charism in such an innovative, accessible and appealing way. Thank you!
ReplyDeleteI heartlily agree with Lee! I feel as stated in the article, anything that comes into our world has the potential for good or for bad and it takes maturity to discern. We as the adults need to show children, particularly, examples of responsible or reflective, critical appraised blog use. It is the young who embrace technology with such passion and yet all too often little oppportunities for mentoring with mature reflective dialogue. Let the dialogue begin!
ReplyDeletefrom PP
Wonderful insight!
ReplyDeleteNot only for bloggers, but for writers/ journalists these insights confirm the Catholic mind on the importance of thoughtful speech.
This is a favorite site--thank you!
I want to thank you Fr Lawrence for these insightful and erudite considerations regarding Catholic Christian engagement with the blogosphere.
ReplyDeleteWhat strikes me about your piece is this idea of the Catholic blogosphere as a "training ground for virtue" which I think is particularly apt considering that we are - must always be - bound in the charity of Christ with a common purpose and direction as per Our Lord's prayer in St. John 17. In-fact I think all too often we can forget the theological significance of St. John 17 and the imperative that we "live out" its significance.
I completely agree that truth and charity, unity and accountability need to be the guiding considerations for Catholic engagement in the Blogosphere always pursuing "what makes for peace and mutual upbuilding" (Romans 14:19).
I would say that truth must always be tempered by prudence and that this is especially so when it comes to criticism and fraternal correction (e.g. sometimes it is better to provide a response privately rather than publicly). I think that St. Paul's points in Romans 14 about not becoming a stumbling block to our brethren and his further considerations in 1 Cor 8 about not sinning against one's brother or wounding the conscience of a brother is really important for the development of virtue in the Catholic blogosphere.
Finally I think that a sense of accountability is important in developing unity. We must recognise that our words can be ordered towards peace and healing or cause scandal and discord.
Timothy Radcliffe OP puts the case succinctly: "True words make for unity, and they are not true unless they heal". (2008: 61)
I look forward to writing a blogpost of my own about this and trying to respond in more detail to some of the excellent and substantial points that you have made Fr Lawrence.
In Domino,