In this final decade of the Glorious Mysteries, it is the turn of Our Blessed Mother to be rewarded for her “YES” to God. After the ascension into heaven, and as mother of Jesus her Son, she is entitled to share in the universal monarchy. What makes this more fitting is that her Son, Jesus, crowned her and they are united together once again for all eternity. Her “yes” to God was the most important word said since the creation. Here Our Blessed Mother shares in the Kingship of Heaven with God; she is the Queen of all creatures. She can be Queen in this sense by reason of her fullness of grace and the charity which raises her above all creatures. Now she reigns above all. As Queen of Heaven, Our Blessed Mother can be an intercessor for us to her Son Jesus Christ.
This decade of the rosary shows us not only the splendour of Our Blessed Mother but of the riches that await us in Heaven. As we finally reach our destination we pray in this decade that we all will be united with her in Heaven to share with her its glories for all eternity. Let that be our prayer as we meditate on this holy mystery.
Our Lady Queen of Heaven, pray for us.
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