The booklet consists of an introduction - why 7 or 8? what does it mean to speak of them as 'deadly'? - and continues with individual chapters on each in turn, covetousness, envy, sloth, gluttony, lust, anger, pride and vainglory. Fr Vivian concludes:
A first step in countering their influence is to understand their psychological and spiritual roots in human experience. This is what this booklet has tried to do. If we stand, humbly, in the truth about ourselves, we will appreciate the power of God's love to heal and strengthen our nature, for love is not jealous or boastful, not arrogant or rude, not irritable or resentful. If we understand the origins and nature in us of these 'generic thoughts', these 'phantasies' or 'demons', we are already in possession of a truth that sets us free. For that understanding assures us, in case we are tempted to doubt it, that our wellbeing and our salvation consists only, and always, in love. This will then sustain us in the discipline and practices of the spiritual life.
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