All are very welcome to join us for the following liturgical celebrations
9.30am ....... TenebraeHOLY WEEK AND TRIDUUM
All are very welcome to join us for the following liturgical celebrations
Monday - Wednesday:
7.45am ....... Matins & Lauds
12.00 .......... Stations of the Cross (led by the Dominican students)
1.05pm ....... Midday Office
6.15 ............ Conventual Mass
6.45 ............ Vespers
Maundy Thursday:
9.30am ...... Tenebrae
1.05pm ...... Midday Office
8.00 ........... Mass of the Lord's Supper
followed by watching at the Altar of Repose until midnight
Good Friday:
7.45am ....... Matins & Lauds
12.00 .......... Stations of the Cross (led by the Dominican students)
1.05pm ....... Midday Office
6.15 ............ Conventual Mass
6.45 ............ Vespers
Maundy Thursday:
9.30am ...... Tenebrae
1.05pm ...... Midday Office
8.00 ........... Mass of the Lord's Supper
followed by watching at the Altar of Repose until midnight
1.05pm ....... Midday Office
3.00 ............ Solemn Liturgy of the Lord's Passion
Holy Saturday:
9.30am ....... Tenebrae
1.05pm ....... Midday Office
6.00 ........... Vespers
11.00 .......... Easter Vigil
Confessions are available from 12 noon - 1pm and from 5-6pm
Easter Sunday:
8.ooam ........ Mass
9.30 ............. Family Mass
1.05pm ........ Midday Office
6.00 ............ Solemn Vespers
There will be no evening Mass on Easter Sunday
Do you know where this image of Christ is from?