Readings: Deuteronomy 26:4-10; Psalm 90; Romans 10:8-13; Luke 4:1-13
Although this journey of conversion may seem to be particularly associated with Lent, it is, in fact, one that we are called to undertake with renewed effort each and every day of our lives. As Jesus tells his disciples later in Saint Luke’s Gospel, ‘If anyone wants to be a follower of mine, let him renounce himself and take up his cross every day and follow me’ (Luke 9:23).
Today’s Gospel passage reminds us that even if we are able to flee temptation on one occasion – temptation to commit all those acts which threaten to harm either ourselves or others – then this is no guarantee that we will not encounter greater temptations later on, waiting to pounce at moments of particular weakness and susceptibility or at moments when our continuing the Christian journey seems difficult or fruitless. Our preparations in Lent can strengthen us to deal with such moments.
To grow in holiness is to grow closer to God and to have an instinct for the ways of God. When we show a lack of trust in God’s ability to save us, or when we try to put God to the test by presuming that he will save us whatever we do, then we stand in danger of failing in the spiritual life.
The Christian journey is a joyful one and we must not forget this even in Lent. At the same time, we know that we can only truly grow in Christian love if we learn to deny our own desires or our own hankering after power or a good reputation. This can be a painful thing to learn. Yet it is only in following this Way of the Cross that we can hope eventually to come to the Resurrection.
As I read this insightful post, I hear the Oscars on TV in the next room. There is a great irony in the appeal to deny desire, power and reputation when they are being celebrated in the next room; these desires are promoted so constantly every minute of every day in the media.
ReplyDeleteThe other irony is that our son told us today that he was accepted as a novice by the Dominicans. In a world of material desires, where success is measured in dollars, houses and cars, he chooses poverty and prayer. He, I believe, has made a wise choice.