Monday, October 12, 2009

Raised to the Altars

On Sunday the Holy Father canonised five new Saints: Father Damien of Hawaii; Zygmunt Szcezesny Felinski, a polish Bishop; Sister Jeanne Jugan, who founded the Little Sisters of the Poor; Rafael Arnaiz Baron, who renounced his rich upbringing to dedicate himself to prayer and our brother Francisco Coll y Guitart OP, whom we posted on earlier this year. That post can be read here.

The Congregation founded by St. Francisco, The Dominican Sisters of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, has 1,200 sisters across four continents. Sister Rosa Di Tullio OP, the Roman superior of the Congregation founded by St. Francisco, described him as "a Dominican in every sense of the word because he was a great preacher in difficult times. He did not withdraw in face of difficulties because he had great love. He is a modern saint."


  1. Could you tell me who were the postulator of every new saint? Thank you! Regards from Spain!

  2. Zygmunt *Szczęsny* Feliński :-)

    Postulator: Sister Teresa Antonieta Fracek, CSFFM (Congregatio Sororum Franciscalium Familiae Mariae - Franciscans Sisters of the Family of Mary, founded by St Zygmunt)

  3. St. Francisco- Fr. Vito T. Gomez, O.P

    St. Damien-Father Emilio Vega Garcia

    St. Zygmunt Szcezesny Felinski-
    Sister Teresa Antonieta Fracek

    St.Jeanne Jugan-Father Dominic Papa

    St. Rafael -Sister Augusta Tescari

  4. Two dominics were the postulators of the five new Saint. Funny, isn´t it?

  5. There are two dominic postulators in the canonizations of Sunday. Funny, isn´t is?
