Qui venturus est, veniet, et non tardabit: et iam non erit timor in finibus nostris: quoniam ipse est Salvator noster.

During the liturgy, the Provincial instituted three of the student brothers - frs Graham Hunt, Mark Davoren and Gregory Pearson - as Lectors.
This lay ministry is conferred on those who are training for the priesthood although it is not restricted to these men. The lector is instituted to proclaim in the liturgies the readings from Sacred Scripture, with the exception of the gospel reading. They are to develop a warm and lively love for Scripture and hand on this love through their proclamation of the word of God and their instruction of people in the faith.

Please remember us in your prayers that we may faithfully and joyfully preach the word of God and continue always to contemplate that word in our own hearts.
Deponet omnes iniquitates nostras, et proiciet in profundum maris omnia peccata nostra /quoniam ipse est Salvator noster.
Gloria Patri et Filio et Spiritui Sancto / quoniam ipse est Salvator noster.
The one who is to come shall come and not delay, and there will be fear in our land no longer, for he is our Saviour.
He will tread all our iniquities underfoot, and cast all our sins into the depths of the sea / for he is our Saviour.
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit / for he is our Saviour.

During the liturgy, the Provincial instituted three of the student brothers - frs Graham Hunt, Mark Davoren and Gregory Pearson - as Lectors.
This lay ministry is conferred on those who are training for the priesthood although it is not restricted to these men. The lector is instituted to proclaim in the liturgies the readings from Sacred Scripture, with the exception of the gospel reading. They are to develop a warm and lively love for Scripture and hand on this love through their proclamation of the word of God and their instruction of people in the faith.

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