Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Salve procession

A provincial assembly is being held in Oxford from 17 -19 December, and we shall be bringing you photos and videos from this event, which is a rare opportunity for the English Dominicans to come together and enjoy our fraternal life as a province. Below is a live video recording of the 'Salve Regina' sung to Dominican chant after Vespers on the first day of the Assembly.


  1. Dear brothers, thank you very much for this video. I was wondering if you could perhaps link to any online resources where I could find the dominican chants printed for use with the office (both alone and in community with my lay chapter), as well as perhaps for the O antiphons? I have often referred friends to your Advent 2006 videos of the O antiphons, but was deeply upset just now to discover that they are no longer available on Youtube. I had been looking forward to chanting them along to your videos all year, and begun with Sapientia, but can't continue now that they are gone. =(

    So please, if there is anything you can do to help I would sorely appreciate it. Thank you again for all that you are already doing!

    Anthony, OPL

  2. Excellent, and thanks.
